whipstock system
Whipstock system Whip face Whip Connector Hydraulic Set Permanent Packer Hydraulic Whipstock Mills
Read moreUtilizing a whipstock system is an effective, cost-efficient technique for sidetracking existing wellbores. Sidetracking can be accomplished in an open hole or through one or multi-casing strings. In a cased hole, the whipstock deflects the mill to create an opening for the drill string in the desired direction. In the open hole, the whipstock deflects the mill into the formation wall to redirect the wellbore.
The A.H.A.P single-trip whipstock is appropriate for diverting a wellbore for continued production. The ability to sidetrack effectively in only one trip will save considerable time and money. Single Trip Hydraulic Set Whipstock Systems (Permanent or Retrievable) are available in sizes from 7" to 9-5/8". Other sizes are available at request.
Each whipstock is appropriate for a particular application, depending upon several factors. Whipstocks all consist of two major sections, 1: The Whipface section is the top portion of the whipstock and is used to deflect the mill, and 2: The anchor section is the bottom portion of the whipstock and is used to secure the whipstock in place. The running assembly consists of a hydraulically set anchor-packer; a hing connector; a whip face attached to an upper end of the anchor; mills; a hydraulically running tool; a high flow by-pass circulating valve; and whipstock retrievable tools. In the continuation of this catalog, an attempt has been made to describe more detailed information about the components of the A.H.A.P whipstock system.
Contact the A.H.A.P. representative today or visit www.AHAPco.com to learn how to use our whipstock system.
All materials used are manufactured from high-strength material and heat treated to provide strength and durability.
A.H.A.P Hydraulic Set Whipstock Systems Technical Specification |
Casing |
Whipface |
Whipface |
Window |
Hydraulic |
Screw Shear Value |
Max Required |
(in) |
(Deg) |
(cm) |
(cm) |
Yes/No |
(klbs.) |
(Psi) |
5" |
3 |
200 |
243 |
Yes |
20-25 |
3,000 |
7" |
3 |
243 |
307 |
Yes |
20-30 |
3,000 |
9-5/8" |
3 |
368 |
460 |
Yes |
50-70 |
3,000 |
Whipstock system Whip face Whip Connector Hydraulic Set Permanent Packer Hydraulic Whipstock Mills
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