ISO 45001
specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system,
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aboutweAria Drilling Company Andishe Pars with National ID 14005299440 was registered on 07/25/2014 under registration number 13263 in the Arak Companies and Industrial Property Registration Office. According to the existing conditions of this company, the production of all kinds of well equipment has been put on its production list and in this regard, it has received the operating license number 42360 dated 20/11/2013. With the hope of God's grace and the efforts of the managers and other colleagues, the future plan of this company is to supply high quality products inside the country as well as export them to other countries.
We are the manufacturer of three main products in the field of drilling....
Supplier of the most specialized equipment for oil drilling....
Download our latest catalog right now...
get our catalog. We offer a complete package of casing accessories tailored to each well design and application. …
.The Liner Hanger System is a tool for installing liner string in oil and gas wells, …
Utilizing a whipstock system is an effective, cost-efficient technique for sidetracking existing wellbores. Sidetracking can be …
specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system,
ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system
Click to show the test video. Hanging test of the rotating steri with the HR RUNNING TOOLS installation …
Read moretell: 08634130385 fax: 08634132605
Factory Manager : Azadeh Janbaz
mobile : 09186048157
Tehran - Jordan - Nelson Mandela St. - Anahita Alley - No. 22, Unit 12
tell: 08634130385 fax: 08634132605
SEO : Mohammad Samsam Sokhiravi
mobile :09128234932